On Thursday, July 12, 2012, the Avondale-Glen Elder Neighborhood Association (AGENA) prevailed against Sacramento Natural Gas Storage, LLP (SNGS), which proposed to store 8 billion cubic feet of natural gas underneath 700 homes in the Avondale Glen Elder neighborhood. AGENA was represented by attorneys from Legal Services of Northern California and Thomas Law Group on a pro bono basis throughout the five-year administrative process. During Thursday’s hearing on the SNGS Project, Commissioner Florio, author of the Alternative Proposed Decision to deny the SNGS Project, reiterated that the project was not necessary, therefore the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity required for the project should not be issued. Commissioner Sandoval agreed with Commissioner Florio, emphasizing that the CPUC had never previously approved a gas storage project in such a densely populated area, and stating that she saw no justification for its construction in light of the risks identified in the Environmental Impact Report. Commissioner Ferron joined Commissioners Florio and Sandoval. He also did not believe the project was necessary and explained that developing a gas storage project below a densely populated urban neighborhood would be inconsistent with the best management practices for the natural gas storage industry. The grassroots effort to oppose a gas storage project underneath homes and schools came to a victorious end when the CPUC voted 3-2 against the project. Commissioners Peevey and Simon stated that they would draft dissenting opinions. Pursuant to the CPUC’s rules, SNGS may file a request for reconsideration within 30 days of the final decision.