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CEQA PortalWe want to let our readers know about the CEQA Portal, a new CEQA reference website being developed by the Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP). The site currently features two tools that CEQA lead agencies, project applicants, consultants, and attorneys will find useful.

The first tool is a series of topic papers, each prepared by CEQA professionals and reviewed by three attorneys. Each topic paper is intended to provide a complete and authoritative review of the provisions of CEQA related to that topic. At present, five topic papers are available – including papers on exemptions, project descriptions, and thresholds of significance – and eight more are in the process of being prepared. Downey Brand partner Andrea Clark is one of the attorney reviewers for the forthcoming topic paper on project objectives.

The second tool is a CEQA case law database containing more than 550 CEQA cases. Cases are searchable by key words in the case title, or by any of eighteen CEQA topics. Results can be sorted by date, title, or court of jurisdiction.

The site can be accessed at or from the AEP homepage.  We understand from AEP that the site is available for free for a limited time, but in the future will require either a subscription or membership in AEP.